Servants of the Word - Volume 2

Christ's Prayer School

Luke 11:1-13

God's Power to Save

Luke 11:14-28

Hypocrisy and greed

Luke 11:37-54

Right and wrong fears

Luke 12:1-12

Antidote to worry

Luke 12:22-34

God's party invitation - R.S.V.P

Luke 14:15-35

Are you planning for your future?

Luke 16:1-18

True discipleship

Luke 17:1-10

The coming of the King

Luke 17:22-37

How to enter God's Kingdom

Luke 18:15-30

The day of reckoning

Luke 19:11-27

Palm Sunday praises

Luke 19:28-48

What authority?

Luke 20:1-19

The Kingdom is near

Luke 21:5-38

Why Jesus had to die

Luke 22:1-23

Hidden weaknesses

Luke 22:24-38

Christ's powerless friends

Luke 22:39-62

Christ's powerful enemies

Luke 22:63-3:25

The Cross of Jesus

Luke 23:26-56

Is Christ really alive?

Luke 24:1-35